Internet Access to Web Server

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Internet Access to Web Server

Post by bsleep » Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:13 pm

Back in March 2012 I evaluated GDPicture for use in my company's telemedicine product and we bought it and it has been succesfully integrated into our newly developed desktop application. However, since then we have a new requirement to be able to access the same diagnostic images via Internet access to a web server.

I see the html interop demo examples and actually created an experimental imaging page providing annotation tools by following the demo examples but to get it to work with our server I had to modify trust levels and actually install some of the dlls on any PC accessing the webserver. I currently have GDPicture 8.5.29

I subsequently remember seeng a post on here with a gentlemen trying to do the same thing and questioning if this was possible and noting that license keys are visible when viewing the page source (I can no longer find this post here in the forum). I also remember he was given a reply that GDPicture is not to be integrated into a web application with public internet access.

My main question is, are there plans for GDPicture to be able to be used in a web server application accessible through the internet ? I have identified other products that may provide this functionality but the annotation xmp files probably wouldn't be compatible with GDPicture's annotation xmp files and I need our desktop app and web server app to work on the same imaging data.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice, Ben

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Re: Internet Access to Web Server

Post by Loïc » Fri Aug 03, 2012 5:36 pm

Hello Ben,

Thank you for all these information.

Actually we support web integration through COM interoperability only. The big advantage is that all GdPicture.NET features can be used easily in HTML code. Therefore it is possible to use the SDK in pure html projects and also in PHP and asp applications. The "dark side" is that only IE supports this technology. I got some customers feedback telling that FireFox usage was also possible but I never been able to reproduce such scenario.

Actually, if you install the GdPicture.NET web runtime you should be able to use the SDK without admin privilege. The SDK is used like a pure ActiveX plugin therefore you should not need to modify anything related to the .NET trust level. Or maybe I am missing something...
Our licensing mode do not allows usage of the SDK on public page. By public page we mean page reachable over the Internet network without authentication. We know this can be very restrictive for some projects but we really have no choice since your licensing information must to be embedded withing the client code source...

We are already working on a new set of web controls, without such licensing restriction and without the need to install specific framework. This requires some work. Lot of work. For that we are enlarging the development & support team. We are almost ready to deliver Silverlight support but frankly I am not sure we will continue in such direction due to the fact of the total lack of visibility about the future of SilverLight. So we are considering Silverlight or/and AJAX support.
We should communicate soon about our plans in this direction.

This is all I can tell so far :) Just know that things goes in the good direction. We aim to provide a full featured document Imaging SDK for windows and web application, with cross platform and browser support.

With best regards,


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Re: Internet Access to Web Server

Post by bsleep » Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:03 pm

Hi Loic,

Thank you for the quick response and information.

I believe our implementation would adhere to the licensing agreement since the web app would require user login and authentication.

I will revisit how I developed that experimental imaging page I mentioned using your information, to see if I can avoid some of those extra steps I took to be able to access and use the imaging page from other PCs in the company.

Thanks again and I look forward to your communications regarding the new web application support you are considering to implement and some sort of AJAX controls would be super if you go that way.

Regards, Ben

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Re: Internet Access to Web Server

Post by harrellb » Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:02 pm

I would like to put my vote in for AJAX. We evaluated your product over a year ago for use in our Sharepoint based product but could not use it because it had no support for building an AJAX viewer which is what all of our competition is doing. We ended up having to go with a very high priced competitor to get what we needed. We have a great interest in re-looking at your product if you provide the ability to build an AJAX viewer with annotations.



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Re: Internet Access to Web Server

Post by rchatto » Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:03 pm

Hi Loic:

The activeX control available with GDPicture 9.1 is not working on IE8. I tried your examples and it's not working, the error is Please enable ActiveX to see this GdPicture Object. but the activeX is enabled in IE8. Do you have a plan to develop web controls to use with

Thanks for your help in this matter.

Subrata Chattopadhya

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Re: Internet Access to Web Server

Post by Loïc » Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:06 pm

Hello Subatra,

This is false. The ActiveX control works perfectly on any IE version in any operating system from win 2000 to windows 8.
If you encounter any issue to get it working please create a standalone thread.

That said, we have plans for the web that we do not want to totally reveal today.

With best regards,


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