Critical Error Print Method (GdPicturePDF)

Discussions about document printing in GdPicture.NET using GdPictureImaging.
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Critical Error Print Method (GdPicturePDF)

Post by Arashai » Wed Jan 19, 2022 2:32 pm

i'm using GdPicture.NET and want to print a PDF-document via Print Method (GdPicturePDF).

So i took the VB.NET example code from ... Print.html and bring it to life in Visual Studio 2019.

But after execution, the exe has triggered a breakpoint with the following message: Critical error detected c0000374

I also tried the PrintDialog() Method which works as it should. but for automation with multiple documents i need the print-Method without user interaction.

Is there a known issue with the Print() Method?

Thanks for helping.

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Re: Critical Error Print Method (GdPicturePDF)

Post by Hugo » Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:10 pm

Hi Arashai,

Thank you for your feedback.

Make sure to try this in our very latest version please:

The method you linked should work in our latest version. If this doesn't in your case please provide us with a code project allowing us to reproduce the issue as you are doing.
If you cannot provide this here feel free to contact us and provide it here:

Hugo Cudd
Technical Support

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