Attempted to read or write protected memory

Discussions about machine vision support in GdPicture.
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Attempted to read or write protected memory

Post by Hanseman » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:33 am

I am evaluating your software for use in our company, specifically for batch processing of faxes by OCRing a key field. I have everything working satisfactorally which is pretty surprising as I've only been using your software for a couple hours now. The only problem I am having is that the software gives me an "AccessViolationException" error with a message of "Attempted to read or write protected memory".

I am writing the code in C# in VS2008 based on the sample OCR project you included with the download. Any light you can shine on this issue would be greatly appreciated since this would be the final hurdle before I give the OK to purchase licenses.


Hans Eckelman

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Re: Attempted to read or write protected memory

Post by Hanseman » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:01 am

Here is some more information for you.

First off, what I am trying to do is read a directory of TIFF images and scan a section of the page for a particular code.

Second, I can trap the error using a try catch without any apparent harmful side effects.

Third, it only happens the first time I go through the directory. Subsequent calls to process the same directory always seem to work.

Fourth, it is very sporadic. I've seen the error twice in a row and I've seen the error not show up for 20+ tries.

Fifth, it appears to always crash on the same TIFF image, yet when it does work it correctly OCRs that image.

Since the try catch works and successfully isolates the error, this error is no longer a show stopper for me, but it would be nice to know what is actually causing the bug. I am suspecting the TIFF image is somehow corrupt, but I am having a hard time understanding the hit and miss nature of the error.

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Re: Attempted to read or write protected memory

Post by Loïc » Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:09 am



Could you send me this image at esupport (at) gdpicture (dot) com ?

Also, give me the part of the code which raise the error.

With best regards,


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