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PDF Extracting Text

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:47 am
by jloizagah
I have a curious behaviour using the PDFGetPageTextArea method. I get a PDF text file, and I want to extract text within an area defined in a GdPicture Viewer. The problem is that it only works when I select an area around full portions of text. Thats is, imagine I have the text "12345678901234567890". If I draw an area surronding the 20 numbers, it extracst the text fine, but if I selected an area only surround the first ten numbers, text extraction fails. It's Correct?.

I'm Using GDPicture 8.5 version.

Best Regards.

Re: PDF Extracting Text

Posted: Fri May 17, 2019 2:56 pm
by Gabriela

I know maybe it is too late, but are you still using our product GdPicture ver 14? We have improved searching features in the toolkit. Let us know if you still experience any issues so we can assist you further.