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Best way to stamp my TIFF pages

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:15 am
by dan276
I'm converting many pdfs to tiff and putting it in 1 big tiff file. I want to sort of put a stamp on them like, document 1 page 1 ...
What would be the best way to do this? Would I need the annotation plug in?

Re: Best way to stamp my TIFF pages

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:35 am
by dan276
Looks like I was able to watermark it with
oGdPictureImaging.DrawText(RasterizedPageID, "Test BBB", 50, 50, 20, GdPicture9.FontStyle.FontStyleRegular,
Color.Red, "Arial", false);

and this worked Great! I did notice that this really increased the size of my tiff file though. Maybe there is no way around it, but any suggestions. A 4 page tiff went from 200k to 1.5 mb.

Re: Best way to stamp my TIFF pages

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:40 pm
by Loïc
Hello Dan,

I guess your initial bitmap pixel format was 1bpp. So after applying drawing operation on your image you can call the ConverTo1bpp() method to get back your initial pixel format.

Kind regards,
