Multipage Tiff Compression

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Re: Multipage Tiff Compression

Post by mvanrijnen » Mon Apr 15, 2013 1:29 pm

I'm getting stuck with GDPicture, because i can't mix JPG & CCITT4 within a multipage tiff.
Anychange on improvements here ?

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Multipage Tiff Compression

Post by mvanrijnen » Mon Apr 15, 2013 1:37 pm

Reference to: viewtopic.php?t=158&start=15

I'm getting stuck with GDPicture, because i can't mix JPG & CCITT4 within a multipage tiff.

Also the JPG pages are much bigger (in size) then a JPG to a single TIFF file
(this is due to the CMYK colorspace in single TIFF ? )

Any change on improvements here ?

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Re: Multipage Tiff Compression

Post by Loïc » Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:35 pm


This is planned for the V10.

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Re: Multipage Tiff Compression

Post by Loïc » Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:35 pm


This is planned for the V10.

Kind regards,


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Re: Multipage Tiff Compression

Post by mvanrijnen » Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:56 am

When is v10 expected to Release ?
We really need this and are forced to use an extra imaging kit, just for this functionallity.

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Re: Multipage Tiff Compression

Post by Loïc » Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:09 pm

It will be released within 3 and 6 months.

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Different Compression type for tiff MultiPage image

Post by kv981857 » Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:07 pm

My target is to scan multiple image and need to append/save as tiff image which should have Compression (CCITT T.6), Resolution (300 * 300 dpi) and Dimension (2500 * 3300) but iam getting a tiff image with different Compression (LZW) from second page onwards.

Here is my simple code:

nImageID = axImaging1.GetNativeImage();
axImaging1.TiffSaveAsNativeMultiPage((appPath + "Karthik_20130627192535.tif"), GdPicturePro5.TifCompression.CompressionCCITT4);
//'' abouve pice of code will create a tiff image with expected format


nImageID = axImaging1.GetNativeImage();
nTiffOriginal1 = axImaging1.TiffCreateMultiPageFromFile("Karthik_20130627192535.tif");
nTiffOriginal2 = axImaging1.TiffCreateMultiPageFromFile("Karthik_201306271925351.tif");
axImaging1.TiffAppendPageFromGdPictureImage(nTiffOriginal1, nTiffOriginal2);
axImaging1.TiffSaveMultiPageToFile(nTiffOriginal1, (appPath + "Karthik_20130627192535_3.tif"), GdPicturePro5.TifCompression.CompressionCCITT4);

I could able to save it correct format when iam tring to save singe page by useing below code;
axImaging1.TiffSaveAsNativeMultiPage(("Karthik_20130627192535.tif"), GdPicturePro5.TifCompression.CompressionCCITT4);

* It is working fine in Windows XP but iam facing issues in Windows 7 32/64 bit OS.
* I have noticed that second page has in Compression (LZW) from the Microsoft Document Imaging tool.
* axGdViewer1.SetLicenseNumber("XXX");

Please help me to resolve this issue ASAP.
First page is in CCITT 6 and second page is in LZW Compression FORMAT
Karthik_201306272020592.tif (103.68 KiB) Viewed 30345 times
Karthik_20130627202059.tif (17.7 KiB) Viewed 30345 times

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Re: Multipage Tiff Compression

Post by mattewan » Wed Dec 20, 2017 6:04 pm

Was this ever implemented?

I have just bought the ultimate edition for quite a substantial amount of money and all the tiff save methods only have one option for compression, and no way to set independent compressions for black&white and colour. The only option I see is "Auto" which saves both colour and black&white in lossless formats, which results in massive multipages.

This post states it would be implemented in version 10.... I'm on 14 and don't see a way?

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Re: Multipage Tiff Compression

Post by nillwatson » Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:32 pm

is there any progress on the second question in the original post?

I am currently evaluating GdPicture as a possible replacement for our current scanning and imaging library.

So far the GdPicture library (vb .net) is looking excellent, but we have hit an issue regarding saving pages to a TIFF file that have different compressions (e.g. CCITT4 for B&W and LZW for colour).

I can only find functions in the library that apply a single compression level to the whole TIFF file,

rather than to the individual pages within the file. As our current library allows this,

and is a feature that our Customers are currently using,

then I would really like to find a way to do this with GdPicture.

So, is there any way to currently do this, or is anything planned?

Many thanks

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Re: Multipage Tiff Compression

Post by Loïc » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:54 pm

Hi there,

We've implemented custom compression at page-level since few years now.

Please find here and example: ... 0page.html

With best regards,


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Re: Multipage Tiff Compression

Post by Fabio » Mon Nov 22, 2021 3:29 pm


We're sorry about the delay.
The feature has been implemented, you will find an example of the usage here: ... 0page.html

With best,

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Re: Multipage Tiff Compression

Post by bracecrop » Tue Feb 14, 2023 2:56 pm

I hope this feature will be available within 2 month.
It is very hard for us to implement this feature without rewriting all our multipage tiff plugin. 9apps
cartoon hd

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