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GetPageTextWithcoords TextMode

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:13 am
by Vincent

I can see that TextMode was newly added to the getPageTextWithCoords method in the new release, I want to know if I can take advantage of the variable to improve our text extraction. The documentation does not have any description for TextMode.

Can someone please explain what the value of TextMode means and what it is useful for?

Many thanks,

Re: GetPageTextWithcoords TextMode

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:06 pm
by Vincent
Just FYI

I got this from the support team:

PdfTextModeFill = 0
PdfTextModeStroke = 1
PdfTextModeFillStroke = 2
PdfTextModeInvisible = 3
PdfTextModeFillPath = 4
PdfTextModeOutlinePath = 5
PdfTextModeFillStrokePath = 6
PdfTextClipPath = 7

Many thanks,