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Display a page of a PDF file on a device context (HDC)

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 1:45 am
by glentek
Here is what I need to do in GdPicture.

Load a multipage PDF file from disk.
Display only the first page of the PDF file on a device context (hDC).

Can someone provide a code snippet that will show the methods I must call?

Thank you.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:03 am
by Loïc

Code: Select all

Dim oGdPicture as New gdpicturepro.cGdPicture



Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 3:27 am
by glentek
Thanks for your quick replies during my evaluation period. Your service is excellent. I just purchased gdPicture Pro at share-it.

I downloaded the installation file from share-it. The size of the file is 5290kb. The size of the evaluation installation file is 6217kb. Can you tell my why they are different sizes? Which one should I use? Thanks.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:51 am
by Loïc
Thank you Glen. :wink:

You need as possible to use the version from the GdPicture web site. It will be always the last.

Best regards,
