Licensing/ version conflict web applications hosted on same IIS

Questions about GdPicture.NET license agreement.
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Licensing/ version conflict web applications hosted on same IIS

Post by azeeth » Tue Sep 28, 2021 9:30 am


We have the v14 dev and Sdk licence. We have implemented GDPicture in our web applications to generate Pdfs.
We just encountered this problem after we updated to newer GDPicture references in our application when hosted in IIS. Note there is already an older version of our application running in IIS with older GDPicture v14 versions. When we run our newer application (with newer GDPIcture assemblies) it throws error like below. In isolation it all works fine. It is only when they run simultaneously, we see this problem. The registration licence keys are still same.

Code: Select all

System.Exception: GdPicture PDF Plugin: This option has not been unlocked!
Please, unlock it with a trial or a commercial license key by using the RegisterKey() method of the LicenseManager class.
You can get a free 1 month trial license key from
I am sure there is some kind of licensing/ assemblies registration conflict. Is there some way that we can use the two versions simultaneously in IIS? This is very important for us, because we have to maintain separate versions of our different in-house web applications in IIS. Upgrading everything to latest GDPicture might not be an option, but the newer also need to work along side the older.

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Re: Licensing/ version conflict web applications hosted on same IIS

Post by Hugo » Tue Sep 28, 2021 4:10 pm

Hi Azeeth,

Thank you for contacting us.

Have you made sure to replace the older dlls you had in your web application with the newer ones?
Here is some useful information you may be interested in: ... e.NET.html

Regarding running 2 versions in the same environment, we do not recommend doing this as 2 GdPicture versions will conflict with each other.

You should be able to run 2 separate versions in different environments with the same license key (if your license key supports multiple seats for development)

If you wish for us to look into your license please contact us directly here:


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Re: Licensing/ version conflict web applications hosted on same IIS

Post by azeeth » Wed Sep 29, 2021 1:03 am

Yes, all dlls are correctly updated. As mentioned previously, our applications work fine in isolation, just not simultaneously because of GDPicture dll conflict. So there is no way in code to somehow register license keys within application's memory boundaries, so it doesn't affect the other installations?

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Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2018 10:09 am

Re: Licensing/ version conflict web applications hosted on same IIS

Post by Hugo » Thu Sep 30, 2021 3:49 pm


Since we do not encourage doing this I have no made out solutions for you to follow to achieve this.
We require you to have 1 installation maximum per environment. If you choose to use mutliple different versions within the same environment then I am afraid I cannot help you as this is too unpredictable as to what errors you will receive and varies drastically depending on user.

Some clients who have gone through extreme measures have managed to get something like this working however I cannot tell you any specific and direct solution to achieve it.


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