How do i copy Thumbnails from one ThumnailEX to another?

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How do i copy Thumbnails from one ThumnailEX to another?

Post by ElkayEQ » Tue Jul 31, 2018 11:20 pm

I've got a project that displays a complete document along with all pages in an associated ThumbnailEX control.
The user is allowed to select specific pages to be output.

I'd like to take the Thumbnail from the main thumbnailex control - and copy (create a new one) and add that to a 2nd ThumbnailEx control but I am having difficulty finding the Thumbnail Collection (if there is such a thing?)

Here's an example: Document with 10 pages. I want to "select" pages 2 and 4. My ThumbnailEX for this document is called "TN"
There's a 2nd ThumbnailEX called "SelectedTN"
I need to find the Thumbnail at positions 1 and 3 (presuming 0-based indexing) and copy it to SelectedTN.

If Thumbnail objects cannot live in multiple controls (don't see why not) I'm perfectly fine creating new Thumbnails for SelectedTN but what I do not want to do is have to crawl thru the document and recreate the selected thumbnails from the Image in the GDViewer - not only would that require I change the pages, the flicker would be brutal.

Is this possible and if so, can you assist me with the how?

Thank you in advance :)

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Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:43 am

Re: How do i copy Thumbnails from one ThumnailEX to another?

Post by ElkayEQ » Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:09 pm

Just bumping this topic to see if anyone with the know-how

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